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You might be wondering...

Have a question that isn't listed here? Write me at

How do you decide which organizations to support?


Mostly they're just causes that I admire. If you'd like for me to feature your org, I'd be happy to talk about it.

Do you take commissions?

Maybe! On a case by case basis. This is mostly a hobby at this point, but if I have time / supplies / energy I'd be happy to talk about it. I'm also very open to creating gifts and silent auction items for your organization's event, so please do reach out to talk about it.  .

Why are your clothes sized the way they are?

I'm still learning. Most of what I make is based on patterns I find, or ideas I make freehand. I do this because I love it and want to constantly improve. Bear with me while I expand my skills.

Can I help you? Do you need anything?


If you have fabric or other sewing supplies I would be happy to take them off of your hands. If this catches on and people like it, I might also set up an online wish list of supplies I need. As it stands, I pay out of pocket for all of my materials.

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